Summer Camp

Directions to Camp Workcoeman

Scout Letter From Summer Camp

What To Bring To Summer Camp

Label all you gear with your name and troop number, and put everything in zip lock bags.

Personal Gear

Health and Cleanliness

Pack or foot locker

Hand towel

Sleeping bag


Ground pad

Personal first aid kit


Soap in a container

Full Class A uniform

Toothbrush and toothpaste

Boy Scout Handbook

Hair brush or comb

Notebook and writing implements

Small container of powder

Rugged outdoor shoe – already broken in


Comfortable shoes for around campsite

Roll of TP

Water shoes/sandals/flip-flops for showers


Underwear – at least 7 pair

Optional Items

Socks – at least 7 pair


Shorts, pants, shirts – 2 of each suggested

Spending money

Sweatshirt or jacket

Fishing gear


Camera and film

Bathing suit and towels – 2 of each suggested

Musical instrument

Rain gear


Flashlight and pocket knife

Battery operated lantern for tent

Extra batteries

Reading material

Water bottle

Merit badge books

1 @ 6 x 8 and 1 @ 8 x 12 tarp


Mosquito netting


Bug repellent (non-aerosol)








Washline Rope


Please remember that personal “walkman” type electronics are to be used during down time and not to become part of a scout’s head. If they interfere with a scout’s ability to receive instructions, they will be held by the Scoutmaster. Also note that other personal devices, i.e.: cell phones, beepers, PDA’s, Game Boys, or other electronic devices of high monetary value are not permitted.

All knives should not be longer than 3 ½ inches or require sheaths.

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