Ranks and Badges

How to Get Requirements Signed Off

Requirements are things you get signed off on your own. You have to make your own time for this. Different times you can get things signed off are at the beginning of a meeting, or during the game at the end of each meeting. Another great time is during camping trips. To get the signatures in your book, you can either go to a Green Bar member or an Adult Leader. You can get Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class requirements signed off at any time, (Ex: You can be tenderfoot and get the swimming requirements for First Class) but once you hit first class, everything else must go in order. Also, for Star, Life, and Eagle requirements, you must get them signed off by an adult leader, no more Green Bar.

How to get Merit Badges

Blue Card Request Form Link-
Use this form to request a Merit Badge Blue Card from the Troop 544 Advancement Coordinator. Once the request is received, the Blue Card will be issued either by mail or at the next meeting. Please allow 5-7 business days for processing.

First you must ask the Advancement Coordinator for a blue card. You can do this by using theĀ  Blue Card Request Form Link or by speaking with them in person at a meeting or over the phone. Once you receive the blue card, it will have your Counselors name, phone number, and where he or she lives. You first must call your counselor using proper communication, and appropriate language, saying you would like to start working on the merit badge. Then once you are finished with what they gave you to work on, you call them again and schedule an appointment to meet with them on a date that works for both of you. Once you complete the badge, they will hand you a part of your blue card back, and it is your responsibility to hand that to the Scout Master.