
The first aim, or objective, of Scouting is Character Development. I could ask any Scout what it means to have a good upstanding Character and I can guess what they’ll say. I’ll hear “Be Trustworthy”, “Be Honest” , “Be Loyal”. It will be a litany of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. The answers won’t be wrong, but will they hit the mark?
You see, all the points of the Scout Law are attributes of Character. Each one of the points, while important, does not in itself define good Character. One can be Loyal and Reverent but if they’re not Honest and Trustworthy then their Character is lacking. Same goes if you’re Honest and Loyal but not Courteous and Kind, there’s something missing.
An example might be if you were scheduled to be on the range this past weekend at 8am but decided you’d rather sleep in. This is neither Courteous to the volunteers running the range or the Scout who’s slot you’re taking. Same could be said if you’re supposed to be working with your patrol to keep things running smooth but would rather sit by the lake and light fires. You’re certainly not being Helpful to your Patrol and not being Thrifty with resources.
I normally tell the Scouts that all the points of the Scout Law art the tools that help define your Character. But in the end character is doing the right thing even when no one is watching